This one I LOVE! This one is a favourite ~ H.O.P.E. I first came across this little gem many moons ago and it has helped me indefinitely to keep going during challenging times. Now I share it with you. A ray of light in the darkness. Jay Shetty shares in his video, ‘5 Ways To Heal A Broken Heart’, the Japanese Art of Kintsugi – taking a broken object and repairing it in a way to emphasise the beauty of it’s history; I also wrote about this in my first blog post – ‘From Broken To Beautiful’ – to capture this way of thinking which was so helpful at a time when pain felt unbearable. Featured in his video is also another pivotal learning lesson – the practice of ‘Letting Go’. He shares the importance of releasing not only the possibilities that we project on to others in a relationship but also the past; by holding on to it and not living in the present, life can pass us by and prevent us from allowing the future to arrive. Grief is painful, no doubt, but there is equally an opportunity to grow through this process. Even if you aren’t experiencing grief in your life, the wellbeing practices that also he shares – moving your body, journalling and gratitude – can be beneficial as routine ‘health habits’. Maybe try giving one a go and bring into your life a cognitive or practical way of self supporting? If you are going through a painful time in your life right now, remember to H.O.P.E. and #shareandrepair. With love and in kindness, Holley Clare xx…………If you would like to read more posts like these and are happy with ‘A Passion Pitch’ popping up in your inbox, please follow me by entering your email at the bottom of the page and clicking that ‘Stay Connected’ button. x