Holley Clare Coaching

"People make the world go round"...

Some people say ‘money makes the world go round’… I say it’s people. As humans, we are responsible for our choices and actions and those can be either productive or destructive. I think it’s easy for us to be quick to judge and be critical of others but what if we took the time to allow for more understanding and humility? What benefits could it bring?

“We live in a time where we quickly put people in boxes. Maybe we have more in common than what we think?”

If you haven’t watched it already, this video by Denmark’s TV2 – ‘All That We Share’ is certainly worth it. For me, the message is so beautiful and powerful that I felt compelled to share it with those closest to me, my nearest and dearest. I love the Danish spirit, the questions that were asked of the group and the honesty and laughter it generated. Insightful. Humble. Bringing people together – so special. As a wellbeing practice, it encourages us to be mindful of the labels we place upon ourselves and others but also the limitations and restrictions we infer by doing this, placing us inside boxes. But what happens when we step outside of these confines? How do we connect then? Sharing experiences and learning from one another can be a positive practice. We’re not here for a long time so consider your value and purpose in this life and remember that as a community we can support and nurture one another. After all, we are Humankind. With love and in kindness, Holley Clare xx