One of the five pillars of wellbeing is relationships and our opportunity to connect with others. This may come in the form of friendship and there is truth in the words: ‘Friends are the family we choose’. I feel blessed to share special connections with people in my life who I call my dear, beautiful friends. It goes without saying really, just how important human connection and these relationships are. Whether they be for fun and laughter, for problems shared, for good times and those less so, so much of what we experience in our lives we inevitably share with our friends, who in turn we then learn from and grow with. There is value in nurturing healthy, quality relationships for this reason.
One of my dearest friends was kind enough to buy me a book for my birthday which has become my ‘bible’. That book is ‘Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?’ by Julie Smith and I use it more like a manual to guide me through life. I’m so grateful for her bringing this is in to my life and I feel it highlights why our friends are like bright shining stars, lighting up our life. This book is so brilliant that I now gift it to others. Why not buy one for yourself to have a read of and if you are in need of a gift idea for a friend, buy two!
With love and in kindess, Holley Clare xx